The artist Erick Beltrán has worked with various images that have been used as ways of representing power in Bergen by its citizens, and the social, philosophical and ideological implications of these images. The project will culminate in a parade in public space in Bergen starting at the courts of justice, where a group of performers will gather. A few months before the parade, a small team asked people in the city about their ideas of power and possible ways of representing it visually.
Which mythological character would describe power in this city now? If politics were an object what would it be? Which creature would be the best leader? Which mask would you make for the government? What is the shape of power? On the basis of convergences in the collected material, Beltrán has created placards, masks, and a song that will all be presented in the parade.
New versions of the project will later be created in Prague in the Czech Republic and Szczecin in Poland.