Lene Berg’s projects often take a historical footnote as source material to reveal paradoxes and gaps in how we see history and its relation to current predicaments. Her work suggests that consensus views of politics, history, sexuality, etc., are often misleading, that they reveal considerably more in what they exclude, in how they leave things out, than they are able to tell us about the machinations of the world or what happened in the past.
In 2008, Jacob Wren wrote an article for C Magazine entitled Glad the CIA Is Immoral which focused on Lene Berg’s project Gentlemen & Arseholes, how it spoke to so many of his ongoing concerns about art and politics. His text ended by going a bit over-the-top, with a last line that read: “Lene Berg is the artist I have been waiting for all of my life.” After a screening of two of her best films - The Man in the Background (20 min, 2006) and Stalin by Picasso or Portrait of Woman with Moustache (30 min, 2008) – Wren will give a presentation that places these projects within a larger context.