Marion von Osten

Aesthetics of Decolonization

Outdoor amphitheater by Løvstien

At 13:00–15:00

Part of the project series Imagining Commons →

Souffles, published in Rabat from 1966-72, has often been perceived as an avant-garde literary magazine, seldom as a transnational and transdisciplinary enterprise representing translocal discourses in the visual arts and film, and publishing manifestos and statements from the Tricontinental solidarity movement. Relations and transfers among radical art practices and anti-colonial discourses, the conditions of their production, as well as the transnational context in which aesthetic proposals have emerged and circulated, are of primary interest to me as an artist, writer and film- and exhibition-maker today; in the first place in the search for intergenerational affinities across the Mediterranean beyond the common binary descriptions of an African and European cultural production; and secondly, because relations expressed in the magazine, from local craft production to the re-reading of the Bauhaus legacies, also point to discussions around transculturation, pre-capitalist economies, pedagogical turns and the societal function of culture production and the arts.

Marion von Osten

Marion von Osten is an artist, writer, researcher and exhibition-maker. She is a founding member of the Centre for Post-colonial Knowledge and Culture (CPKC) and kleines postfordistisches Drama (kpD) in Berlin as well as of the media collective Labor k3000 Zürich. Beyond her artistic practice, she initiates long-term research projects and exhibitions, such as, Tensta Konsthall, Stockholm; SAVVY Contemporary and CPKC Berlin 2015–2016 (with CPKC ); Aesthetics of Decolonization, ith, Zurich, 2015–2016 (with Serhat Karakayali); Model House—Mapping Transcultural Modernisms, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, 2010–2013;Action! painting/publishing, Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilli-ers, Paris, 2011–2012; In the Desert of Modernity—Colonial Planning and After, Casa-blanca, 2009, Berlin, 2008 (with Tom Avermaete & Serhat Karakayali); Projekt Migration, Cologne, 2002–2006 (with Aytac Erylmaz, Martin Rapp, Regina Röhmhild, Kathrin Rhomberg) and TRANSIT MIGRATION, Zürich, Frankfurt 2003–2005. Atelier Europa, Munich 2004 (with Sören Grammel and kpD), Be Creative! The Creative Imperative, Zurich, 2003 (with Peter Spillmann).

Publications include: Transcultural Modernisms. Ed. Model House Collective, Vienna/Berlin, 2013, The Colonial Modern. Aesthetics of the Past. Rebellions for the Future. Ed. with Tom Avermaete and Serhat Karakayali, London/Berlin 2010; MoneyNations. Ed. with Peter Spillmann, Vienna 2003.

The lecture is funded by Fritt Ord. It is part of Imagining Commons – twelve days of exhibitions, performances, a camp, talks and lectures 5th – 17th June 2015 in Bergen. Imagining Commons is funded by Arts Council Norway, City of Bergen, Fritt Ord and Public Art Norway (URO).

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