Mikkel Bolt is an art historian and critic. He teaches cultural history at The University of Copenhagen. He has written a number of articles on subjects such as the avant-garde, contemporary political philosophy and situationism in journals such as Rethinking Marxism, Texte zur Kunst, Third Text and Variations.
He is the author of a number of books including Den sidste avantgarde (2004), I sammenbruddets tjeneste with Das Beckwerk (2008), Avantgardens selvmord (2009) and En anden verden. Kritiske epistler om de seneste årtiers antikapitalistiske satsninger inden for kunst og politik og forsøgene på at udradere dem (2011). He has co-edited numerous publications including Totalitarian Art and Modernity (2010), and Expect Anything Fear Nothing: The Situationist Movement in Scandinavia and Elsewhere (2011). His latest book Krise til opstand - Noter om det igangværende sammenbrud, is to be published in autumn 2013.